Friday, 14 December 2012

WE'RE 5!!!!!

5 years ago, in a small 3rd floor office the Bluesoup dream began in earnest. We can’t remember the specifics, but it probably involved a bacon sarnie, cake and chocolate. Steve arrived with a plant, a desk light and a bin bag full of CDs. And as they say, we’ve never looked back and the rest is history!
It’s been an eventful ride but we’re blessed with a great team, a diverse & wonderful mix of clients who are great fun to work with and of course the media who look after us admirably.
In order that we shared the celebrations, we sent some personalised cakes to our nearest & dearest….

Roll on the next 5 years…..


Monday, 10 December 2012

UH OH...

Tin of Mini Hero’s in the office and even Steve is playing Christmas CDs -although he’s refusing to wear the musical Christmas tie Meg brought for him!
It’s only 11am and most of the sweets have gone.
It’ll be mince pies and Quality Street next. All diets have now been officially cancelled until after Christmas!

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Delighted to say we’ve just been asked to come up with 6, yes 6, concepts for a 2013 TV campaign!
Can’t say much more than that at this stage other than it’s a campaign for a business telephony client.

Good news for us is that Tony, our illustrious copywriter, is famed for devising the Buzby campaign for BT way back when Noah was a lad! Happy memories for him and a very exciting campaign ahead!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


We’re delighted to announce that having appointed Bluesoup to handle all offline activity back in the summer, John Fowler Holidays have now asked us to take over all paid search activity too.
The campaign goes live this month ahead of the traditional push in January.
This marks a significant win as it allows us to look at the overall ad spend in a more holistic manner and demonstrates again our strong & proven credentials in the digital arena.

Roll on January!

Monday, 3 December 2012


Perhaps the easiest month of the year. Turkey and vegetable leftovers for the perfect Boxing Day soup…..or if you’re Meg, just the vegetables.

Merry Christmas!
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